“Silence is the language of god,
all else is poor translation.”
– Rumi
Amaranth is a great breakfast to bring warmth and energy to a cool morning. Sweet and rich in protein, it is ideal for vata and kapha.
Preparation time: 30 minutes
1 cup dry amaranth (ideally, soaked overnight)
2½ cup water
1/8-1/4 cup raisins
Optional: 1 teaspoon cinnamon and/or cardamon
Optional: 1 teaspoon almond oil extract
Optional: shredded coconut (balancing for pitta dosha, making this a neutral dish)
Bring water to a boil in small, heavy pot; stir in amaranth and raisins. Reduce heat to low and cover. Cook until cereal is soft and thick, about 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. Serve.
Source: Amadea Morningstar’s book “The Ayurvedic Cookbook”

About the Author
Briya (Rachel) Freeman is a facilitator specialized in meditation, ayurveda and modern
spirituality. She is passionate about exploring the potentials of human consciousness in a way that respects, unites and transcends global culture and tradition.
Briya is a long-term student of Berdhanya Swami Tierra, a female mystic and shaman of South American origin. She also holds studies in ayurveda at Anjali School of Ayurveda (Kerala, India) and a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from the University of Ottawa.
Briya is based in Ottawa, Canada and can be reached at briyafreeman@gmail.com
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