What is energetic fragmentation?
In shamanic culture, it is understood that we are each bornwith a certain amount of energy or inner power that helps us to direct our lives, achieve our goals, connect with othersand express our true potential.
However, few of us rarely achieve what we came here to do and many of us feel lost, scattered, discouraged and confused about how to live
on the Earth plane & about how to access our true inner being.
"Energetic fragmentation"is a state of being
in which our mind, body & emotions
are not working in a united, powerful, cohesive & harmonious way.
If you can imagine a puzzle
where some of the pieces are lost or missing --
you can begin to understand
how the state of fragmentation
appears in your energetic field.
Fragmentation creates holes, gaps & confusion in your energetic field
-- making it challenging for you to see the big picture of your life
to connect with your inner voice (intuiton)
& the flow of opportunities available to you in the present moment.
Energetic fragmentation -- also be called 'soul loss'
or soul wounding --can come as a result of trauma, abuse, war, conflicts,
early childhood experiences,cultural programming,
or any time we become falsely attached to events, beliefs
or relationships that cause us to give our power away.
Energetic fragmentation
can create a myriad of physical, emotional & mental health issues
-- including mind loops, depression, lethargy, low self-worth,
stress, lack of creativity and motivation,and feelings of separation
from our true potential as co-creators and enjoyers here.
In many modern medicine,
it is understood that the root cause
of many illnessesare as a result of these traumas and stresses
which take us away from our natural state
of wholeness.
Signs of energetic fragmentation:
- feeling scattered or unmotivated
- living in the past or the future
- poor focus or lack of passion and purpose in life
- anxiety and/or depression
- poor self-confidence or body image (sexual or body shame - including an over-obsession with fitness and diet)
- fear of intimate relationships or challenges connecting with others
- poor lifestyle habits or addictions
- weak or overactive immune system
- feeling like you in the wrong place at the wrong time
- feeling disorganized or a messy home
- mood swings (anger, control, jealousy, envy or comparison)
- focusing too much on the past (or past mistakes) or fear of future
- sexual fantasies (projecting your energy onto someone who is not a willing recipient)
- a dependency on relaxation techniques that take you out of your body such as drugs, alcohol, movies, sexual energy exchanges, etc.
Yes, energetic fragmentation is very common in our culture!
Perhaps our addictions to our phones
and the overstimulation of our modern culture
is making it worse!
However, it is possible to heal from its effects
through your awareness, breath and inner ceremony.
If you are curious to learn more, keep reading...
You're invited:
Healing Energetic Fragmentation
Workshop + Ceremony
Your personal presence holds a great power
and is a much-needed medicine
for our present times.
Too often however,
we do not tap into
the inherent power of our own presence,
and we distort, ignore, or shy away from
the truth of what we are.
For most, our personal presence lacks in clarity and potency
---due in part to our distractions, distortions,
dissociations, traumas, and lack of alignment
-- and our fundamental misunderstanding of our roleas co-creators of our reality.
Energetic fragmentation divides us us
from our natural state of ease, balance and inner harmony,
with great consequences on our levels of vitality,
creativity, peace of mind, belonging,
and expression of our potential.
What is this workshop about?
This 3-hour workshop explores, heals and restores from the effects of energetic fragmentation, bringing greater cohesion, harmony and potency to your energetic structure, including:
an exploration of what is energetic fragmentation and how to heal from it
how to heal from energetic fragmentation for greater presence, energy, grounding and alignment
an energetic ceremony to restore from the effects of energetic fragmentation and to support healing, cohesion and unity with the earth bodies
group alchemy + opportunities to learn in an inspiring, impactful and catalyzing group setting
Who is this workshop for?
You're curious to learn more about topics like energy healing, shamanic healing and spiritual awakening
You're dealing with health challenges (such as low energy, anxiety, depression, scattered thinking, lack of self-worth, or low motivation ) and are looking for natural tools for empowerment and healing
You're in the middle of an important life transition and are looking to release old patterns and align more with who you are
You want to cultivate greater focus, vitality, self-confidence, motivation and personal presence
You're seeking new tools to empower your self-expression, creativity, intuition and alignment with your passions
What are clients saying?
“Dearest Briya, I wanted to share that I have been feeling quite emotional, supple and profoundly grateful to you since our meditation last Wednesday.I am grateful to you for slowly dispensing these new ideas and approaches towards life that I can see are so wise that they move me.
As time has progressed through our sessions and breathwork/meditation, I continue to feel ever so slightly a better version of myself every day and I needed that. SO MUCH.
Even though materially I am the same person, I feel there is something is rising within me, perhaps it is some form of my imagination but I think it might have something to do with energy restoration (a term I coin that's the opposite of energy fragmentation).
There is much to share, but this is the summary of it.” - RP

Your Facilitator
Briya Freeman has been creating spaces for healing and spiritual awakening since 2011. She is passionate about exploring the potentials of human consciousness in a way that unites and transcends global culture.Her background includes 15+ years of study and practice in Ayurvedic self-healing, shamanism and energy work. She is a long-time apprentice to Berdhanya Swami Tierra, a female mystic and shaman of Colombian origin. As a guide, she is known for an approach that is down-to-earth, intuitive and deeply seated.
Details and registration:
Monday, February 3 @ 6 PM EST (3 hour workshop)
$ 128
To register, please RSVP to Briya at hello@briyafreeman.com
*** You can also do this ceremony in a private 1:1 setting with Briya
(2.5-3 hours, $333 CAD).
To learn more, reach out to hello@briyafreeman.com.