*Free* Summer Inner Breeze Series
This summer, I'm excited to be teaming up with a few fellow breathontology coaches to offer you the opportunity to explore the power of your breath in a FREE online series.
The Summer Inner Breeze is an inspiring 8-week series based in Breathontology to support balance, well-being, rejuvenation and self-awareness.
Classes are designed to be gentle, fun, rejuvenating and inspiring. They include guided relaxation, gentle movements, breathwork, and meditation, and are suitable for beginners or those of any level of experience or background.
What is Breathontology?
Breathontology uses the power of the breath to support balance, well-being, self-connection and rejuvenation. It is based on a 5,000 year old yogic science, and has been updated to meet the needs of modern times.
A Breathontology series will typically include gentle movement, breathing exercises, guided relaxation and meditation. Each session is designed to be relaxing, rejuvenating and balancing.
No prior experience is required to participate in these sessions.
What should I expect?
This series is brought to you by a group of newly certified Breathontology Coaches. These instructors have a breadth of experience in yoga, natural healing, counselling, self-care, spirituality and coaching. Each week, you will have the opportunity to experience a different coach and to explore a new theme.
Feel free to pass on this invitation to anyone who may need some extra self-care or a boost of positive energy this summer!
Our series starts this Tuesday, July 5 at 6 pm EST
in a live, online forum.
Care to join us?
RSVP to hello@briyafreeman.com
I look forward to hosting you!