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Soul Contracts & Energetic Sovereignty:
A 5-Week Immersion


This course is for you if:

- you're in the process of spiritual awakening and are seeking to transform how you relate to your soul, family or ancestral contracts in a way that’s profound and empowering


- you’re in the process of healing and seeking to upgrade how you relate to your inner power and creativity, and/or clear up your relationships with authority figures (e.g. parents, bosses)


- ​you're seeking to reclaim your energetic field, purpose and/or autonomy after a major life transition (e.g. breakup, divorce, job change, empty nest)​


- you want to create a stronger, cleaner and more cohesive energetic field / aura / personal presence and to protect yourself from energy that doesn't belong to you (i.e. fatigue, guilt, negativity, family patterns)


- you’re seeking to create a stronger connection with who you really are -- your higher self or Source energy

Meet Your Facilitator


Briya Freeman has been creating spaces for healing and spiritual awakening since 2011. She is passionate about exploring the potentials of human consciousness in a way that unites and transcends global culture.


Her background includes 15+ years of study and practice in Ayurvedic self-healing, shamanism and energy work. She is a long-time apprentice to Berdhanya Swami Tierra, a female mystic and shaman of Colombian origin.


As a guide, Briya is known for an approach that is down-to-earth, intuitive and deeply seated. She can be reached at




Course details:

Thursdays, May 30 - June 27 from 7 pm - 8:30 pm 
$288 CAD (5 week series)


Online ( or self-guided by recording )

***Seekers of all walks of life welcome. To register and hold your space, payments can be made by e-transfer to or by PayPal using the link below.



What are past clients saying about this course?


"I cannot find words to describe my experience with the course! I loved it so much! The work we have been doing during the course was so profound! I feel like I’m a new updated version of myself: more free, more confident and much happier! I still need to do more work through meditations you gave us, but I feel like it is a new beginning for my soul ! I can not thank you enough for this experience!  It is an amazing course for every person who seeks some clarity and light in their life!!!" - Z.S.


"I highly recommend taking Briya's course! It explained many concepts used in the spiritual community which I had heard before but didn't really fully understand. The group dynamic and sense of humour Briya used in her teaching made the learning process fun. Each class had a nice balance of learning and practical exercises leaving you relaxed and enlightened after every class. In addition, there were clearings in the final two classes which were an amazing added bonus. I was grinning ear to ear by the end!" - Andrea


Thank you Briya Freeman , I'm interested in exploring more of this tradition thank you for being a guide in these spiritual matters, it is a time in my life and in the world generally I think where having spiritual guides is a precious thing."- M.G. 


"I recently experienced [this ceremony] with Briya. She created a beautiful, intimate space for us to explore and took us on a very special journey that allowed me to uncover and unravel ties that were holding me back in my expansion. This experience changed my inner alignment. I left feeling I had entered a new dimension of my being. Thank you Briya for your loving presence and guidance."

- Genevieve



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What are soul contracts?


Before you were born, your soul made a very specific plan for what it wanted to experience as part of your journey on Earth.


Your soul plan included the family you were born into, significant partner(s) and children, your  key challenges and themes, as well as the guides and companions you would meet along the way.


Learning to recognize the lessons behind your soul contracts is a key passage in your spiritual evolution and freedom. Here, any unclear or unresolved dynamics related to your soul's original plan will also play out in your life (and in the back of your psyche) in the form of repeat challenges, patterns, frustrations, blocks or themes.


Unresolved, our soul themes will often play out in key areas of our  lives, including our health,  wealth, intimacy, self-worth, personal power (relationships with authority figures) and/or self-expression.


This 5-week immersion in Soul Contracts is a unique exploration of the theme of soul contracts and how they play out in your present reality. It is a unique series designed to bring clarity,  healing and empowerment to your soul contracts, to help link you to their resolution, and to help you better understand why you're here at this important time in Earth's history​.




What will I learn in this course?


In this course, you will explore:


- how to understand your soul contracts  (family, intimate, bosses, etc) for healing, empowerment and freedom


- a cord clearing ceremony to help you heal and detach from outgrown or outdated relationship dynamics, and to facilitate for energetic sovereignty


- guided processes to support a more conscious relationship to your passion and your inner guidance system (ie. your intuition or higher self)



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